Monday, March 3, 2008

Missus and the 3 Rs

I really should have started this blog last week. This is a blog about my time as a single mom while the other half is working and house hunting a hundred miles from here.

The Missus is me. The Mister is he. The three Rs are our three kids - the kindergartener, or "the boy", and the two girls, the preschooler and the baby who isn't such a baby anymore. She's 16 months old.

Just over a month ago, I turned to the Mister and said to him "Leap day this year - let's make the leap." So we did.

That was Friday. I'll post more on the chaos that lead up to that.

I'm a flybaby. I have both a desktop and a laptop that I can take with me as I need. The boy is a hyperactive 5 year old who makes my life interesting. He comes home from school and I swear there are tornados in his path that sweep through my house and destroy all my hard work.

The elder girl is a 3 year old dora lover who on the one hand is all girl and love girly girl things, yet on the other hand, hates having anything done to her hair.

The babe is currently a howler monkey. She is sick and has such bad diaper rash from her tummy problems that she spends most of the day howling.

The Mister is training for techsupport at an multinational company, hence the need for us to move closer to where he works. My job is to search for housing listings while he actually does the physical look.

I get the not so enjoyable task of being a single, stay at home mom while he's away. If it wasn't for flylady, I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

Today is the day we start with our dining rooms and, trust me, mine needs it. I have a diaper to change, and once I do, I'll start to work on cleaning it.

More when I have time...

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